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Yvette Wall Perth playwright logo
Happily Ever…Whatever' Workshop
School Theatre Workshop
School Theatre Workshop by Yvette Wa
Drama workshop by Yvette Wall
Theatre Workshop
Happily Ever…Whatever' Workshop
Happily Ever…Whatever' Workshop
Neve Havercroft
Theatre Workshop Yvette Wall
Theatre Workshop Yvette Wall
Theatre Workshop Yvette Wall
Theatre Workshop Yvette Wall
Theatre Workshop by Yvette Wall
Shooting Rabbits
School Theatre Workshop
School Theatre Workshop

I currently offer two styles of workshops. Primary School Drama & Story to Performance.



Primary School Drama (Upper Primary)


I have worked in primary schools teaching Drama in my own unique way for many years. More recently I’ve worked with upper primary school students over a two term period. During the first term the students engage in workshop style drama activities to prepare them for a stage performance. 


During the second term the students rehearse a ‘fractured fairytale’ play, with relevant themes, that I write especially for them. During the writing process I cater to the diversity and talents of the group. These productions always include short dance routines, positive messages and cause audiences to belly laugh lots.


Recently I have worked at Wembley Downs Primary School on two productions -  Happily Ever…Whatever that had an anti-bullying theme and Greenarella with a 'save the planet' theme. Both shows were very successful. This year I'm back at Wembley Downs Primary School and the title of the Year 6 show is Once Upon a (Hashtag) #. Themes are around the pitfalls of social media and the importance of human connection. I'm looking forward to this all coming together.


Performing arts programs in schools are highly beneficial. It’s a different way of learning and gives students an opportunity to shine on stage, build confidence and enhance their social skills. 

Primary School Drama

“Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status”

-Ken Robinson

Story to Performance

Story to Performance 


Story is important and powerful. With this in mind, I facilitate drama workshops in local communities for young people and adults. This process involves workshopping certain themes through various drama methods. The material that arises is explored and a group story is developed. 


I then write a script, with input from the group and the work is rehearsed and performed, usually under my direction. The benefits for participants in this creative process include the development of performance skills, an increased sense of connection and community and the opportunity to explore and give voice to issues that are important to them. 


I have facilitated the 'story to performance’ process for many organisations/groups such as Speakeasy WA, City of Stirling and the African Cultural Memory Youth Arts Festival.

Images for 'Happily Ever…Whatever' Production by Carl Mills


“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”

- Maya Angelou



“I loved being in Happily Ever...Whatever! It was really exciting to get to perform on a big stage.  Yvette was really nice and supportive.  If anyone made a mistake she would just say “practice your lines more”.  She told us if we made a mistake on stage to just improvise.  This made me feel really confident. Through being in the play, I had lots of fun with my friends and got a chance to get to know kids in my class I didn’t know as well.”

- Maclaine


"I was lucky enough to attend a number of group sessions run by Yvette as part of the ‘African Cultural Memory Youth Arts Festival’ (ACMYAF). She spent several months facilitating group sessions with the ultimate goal being a stage production.  Yvette catered to our differing personalities, cultural backgrounds and abilities. Staging ‘The Real Deal’ at Nexus Theatre, Murdoch University, and the months and months of work we did was one of the best creative experiences of my life.” 

- Lovena Misama


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